A Higher Darkness
A Higher Darkness.
By Golden Rosycross. 15 April 2021.
July 3, 2022
A Higher Darkness……..
What is that before the creation.
What is this nothing.
What is this divine darkness, the original cause of all.
On our spiritual path we discover radiating realms.
We start to recognize the inner anchor in light, wisdom and love.
We might even get a feeling that creation is going on but where is its origin, where is the original cause of all and of nothing.
Where is the non-created that precedes creation.
Can we find it in the light.
The answer is a silent inkling, transcending all reason even the higher one.
Even so it is an inkling so strong, so powerful.
Seems like if it was the energy of non-existence, but constantly waiting for something.
Zero point.
Still a point.
It, what is, and at the same time is not.
The light and the fullness testify to the creation, but this state the point, is before the creation.
When we look at the pictures about the creation by Robert Fludd there is one showing just a black cross-hatched square.
That is the zero point, that higher darkness.
It is matter without form, without quantity and measure. It is Materia Prima.
For Paracelsus it was the great mystery which is not created.
It is the unrecognized, the unnamed. It is yet, and perhaps constantly, or again beyond the form.
It exceeds all that is revealed.
It is in non-existence.
And just this emptiness, that is the freedom of the spirit.
That might be a sign of the spirit.
Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola perhaps considered similarly when he placed Adam, though already created outside the hierarchy of creation, and by words of the creator he asked him to choose how to live; in a low manner as an animal or plant, or if he accepts an image of an angel, or if he decides to be a human or god.
In the Speech on the Dignity of Man he says:
“He who resorts to the centre in his own unity unsatisfied with a lot for any created being, his spirit will become one with god. In a lonely darkness of the father who is above all, and he will exceed all creatures”
The higher divine darkness, what is it like.
There is a tension of all creation in it. A tension of existence and non-existence.
It is a sublime darkness.
The original one and pregnant with procreation.
There are all possibilities in it, while at the same time there would not be necessarily.
That is the God without a name, the God of all.
The name is a vibration and it belongs to spirit hovering above the waters.
As a holy spirit its seven rays bend towards the earth and towards the human.
But nameless is an even higher state, before creation.
It is the immense serenity of the beginning.
The un-manifested slumbering in the womb of the mother, and at the same time it is the father's potency of all possibilities and forms.
That is why it is nothing, it is the original cause.
Man as a microcosm includes germs of the all, thus even the germs of the un-manifested very beginning.
The element of Materia Prima slumbers unrecognized deep inside
We feel just uncertain, but obvious attraction. The attraction is given by affinity, or a magnetism of the same kind.
Isn't it magnificent that every human being has the great mysterium inside.
Some more interesting stuff here, for those that are interested.