Twelve gods rule everything that exists and lives within the zodiac. These twelve gods have their reflections in our lipika and hence in our magnetic system and in our personality.
But friends could we possibly detach from the idea that the earthly human being is the eternal being. Could we allow the thought to rise up within us that there is something that is bigger than we are, something that does have eternal value and of which we as earthly human beings are partaking only temporarily.
In this state all the faculties are stilled and have no wish to move, for any movement they may make appears to hinder the soul from loving God. During the prayer of quiet what the soul has to do in the time of this quiet is no more than to be gentle and make no noise.
The power field forms a protected place, an alchemical laboratory equipped with everything necessary for the realisation of the new soul.
By completely standing in self-realization, by spontaneously going the path without regard for the outcome, without worrying about consequences and difficulties, we invoke that absolute help from all who have been received into the Gnosis circle.
Perhaps our low vibrational thoughts and the emotions they engender can be seen in a similar way in that they create ripples in our four personality vehicles, keeping us distracted which forms, strengthens and obscures the bars, the prison walls of our consciousness, so that we barely perceive that consciousness is imprisoned.
I know that a sleeping divine essence, a sleeping beauty, a remnant of divinity, is waiting to be re-awakened in the core of the core of our human system.
The key to the Path is faith, that is to say : the union of the spirit-spark atom in the heart with the pure Divine light. When this gate has been opened and the new power can enter the system of the pupil and work in him, he is ready for the path of renewal.
Peace, which, sooner or later, like all things in this, our world of opposites, our dialectical realm, will turn into its opposite or a variation of itself.
To live in the presence of God on a continuous basis can become a kind of fourth dimension to our three-dimensional world, forming an invisible but real background to everything that we do or that happens in our lives.
Longing is like the seed
That wrestles in the ground,
Believing if it intercede
It shall at length be found.
So why don't you feel at home here? Why do you feel so lonely and forsaken? Well, that is the reaction of the ‘Other One' in you. That feeling is caused by the activity of the primordial atom, the rose, and what lies within it.
A fundamental question when he or she is faced with suffering. The question is more or less this one.
Only facts can really speak and testify. Only truth, only reality, is liberating. Only through the rebirth of the soul can one transcend the world of time and space.
Only by following the Path of the Rose can one be linked with the breath of life, with the astral forces of the Gnosis.
Do we have a nucleus of the Kundalini force in our hearts, and if we do what is the nature of this hidden, and to many many people still a mysterious force.
Yet at the same time they are also a living plume of fire, raying out upon the world the Divine Love which fills their hearts.
No priest - nor any Spiritual School - can stand between you and the valley-spirit, between you and the God in you. That covenant must be forged by you yourself, in self-authority. So if, now, you have reached maturity and are weary of strife, you are free to reach for that absolute happiness.
And if you do not want to be saved now, but you do in a thousand years' time, then after those thousand long years of woe you will still see that same love waiting for you.
Fences that you cannot climb
In all that you can never change
I’m the one you're looking for.
An absence of perspective can be devastating in its consequences. It can, for example, lead to a situation in which the dominant species of a planet - the only one known to be inhabited - located in a remote backwater of the universe, can indulge in its darkest, most reckless and destructive impulses, plunging the world into chaos and threatening the very survival of its only home and the continued existence of every life form that has the misfortune to share the same sky and breath the same air.
And when your soul, the flame, the spark, meets with the divine fuel that is so pure and so strong, it results in immense enlightenment.
The child of God is a child of God precisely because he possesses that holy cup. It constitutes the entire Kingdom of God in us; a whole universe is contained within the primordial atom. In that atom lies the All.
By restoring his nature to unity, nourishing his vital energy and concentrating his essence, he will penetrate to the origin of things. In that state, in which his heavenly nature is contained completely within itself and his spirit is undivided, how could anything else penetrate?
After this process of preparation, the moment will come when the real, all-conquering faith is born. It will announce itself as a mighty surge of power throughout the whole being. One's whole being will be filled with the true power of faith.
If the reader is not able to identify the key, he will understand nothing and will not be able to translate the true meaning, even if he is the most educated person of all time.
That is fine if you want nothing more from life than the journey, as a personality, from the cradle to the grave. But it is not fine at all - it is crazy - if you are seeking and aiming at the life of absolute reality. For you cannot possibly participate in, or gain access to, the great reality with your intellectual consciousness.
Now it seems to me that those whom God brings to a certain clear knowledge, love very differently than do those who have not reached it. This clear knowledge is about the nature of the world, that there is another world, about the difference between the one and the other, that the one is eternal and the other a dream.
Heavenly hurt it gives us
We can find no scar
But internal difference
Where the Meanings are
We are all children of God; the treasure is present in every single one of us. Devote yourself to liberating that treasure; then, with Him, you will be free, and it will be as if you were a king. Throw all your fear overboard.
In the end the longing for the new life field is so strong that Connla is able to bid farewell to his old life, and he sets sail to the shores of the Land of the Ever Living, Tír na nÓg, the New Field of Life.
Because the new soul rises in vibration into the spirit soul field, and then that microcosm, through that process of liberation, most probably does not need to come back in that process of reincarnation.
Water is a sublime, universal symbol of the power-radiations of the new life. Just as the ordinary human being lives and moves in the electromagnetic radiation-field of dialectics, so the pupil who, through the sacrifice of the self, has established a liberating link with the spirit of the valley, the God in him, will enter and live in the new electromagnetic radiation-field.
God is pleased when your love realises it is part of something oceanic, and begins to move with the whole.
A way, a Path, that does not depend upon external wealth, but where ones inner directedness and inner wealth is all important.
If the Divine Seed, Divine Essence, Divine Remnant, Atman, Spirit Spark Atom, Rose of the Heart in the core of the core of our being could speak, what would it say.
The candidate for the new life opens his gates to the light and power of the Gnosis, and over him comes the breath of life. And then he is so absorbed by it that he not only rises above all affliction, anxiety, worry, fear and limitation, but they also lose all power to harm him. He enters the peace of the soul.
The key to the Path is faith, that is to say : the union of the spirit-spark atom in the heart with the pure Divine light. When this gate has been opened and the new power can enter the system of the pupil and work in him, he is ready for the path of renewal.
Then, “the great lamp of the All-consciousness” will begin to burn for the pilgrim, and he will be imbued with this divine radiance which, as a consolamentum, will raise him up out of the night of his suffering.
They themselves must face a reality that will never leave them alone until they’ve solved its mystery.
One who is tired of this habit in himself should live more in his heart and try to develop there a calm, intuitive feeling about the rightness of things.
But friends could we possibly detach from the idea that the earthly human being is the eternal being. Could we allow the thought to rise up within us that there is something that is bigger than we are, something that does have eternal value and of which we as earthly human beings are partaking only temporarily.
If you do not ask these questions in an intellectual way, but because you are driven by an inner need, because these issues are really problems for you; if these questions well up from the deepest depths of your being, then the urge to seek will emerge in you of its own accord.
Nothing can grow here until the earth is turned over and crumbled. There can be no roses and no orchard without first this devastation.
The human manifestation as we know it, the physical human being living in the material world, is not the real, noble human being intended by God, but constitutes the instrument with whose help the great marvel of creation must be achieved.
The invitation then, is to set the conditions for the divine potential within us, the waiting divine love within us, to assimilate, connect to the helping hand from without, the divine radiations.
The Universal Wisdom has always been there, not to give a theoretical answer, but to show the way to find this deep knowledge that we all possess hidden within ourselves.
That is why you need to know and taste Tao, and all other wisdom teachings, so that you can live , speak and act from their synthesis, freeing yourself of your own particular national characteristics in order to become a true world citizen of the universal people of God.
Do we have a nucleus of the Kundalini force in our hearts, and if we do what is the nature of this hidden, and to many many people still a mysterious force.
Originally, the Gnosis was the sum and substance of the ancient wisdom, the compendium of all knowledge having a direct relation to the original divine life of a truly unearthly, divine human life-wave.
Was it loneliness that brought you here. Broken and weak. Was it tiredness that made you sleep. Have you lost your will to speak.
Where the personality, driven by the predominantly egocentric consciousness, thinks it should be in life as opposed to where it is.
Born from the dissatisfaction, frustration and futility that stems from living and striving in the space that is the forever gap.
What is hidden to the wise and understanding of this world is revealed to the children of God.
However, the real essence, the real transformative power of the Teachings, reside in their resonance with the Divine Gift in the core of the core of each human being.
We were talking about the new attitude of life, which must make our personality open and suitable for the touch of the electromagnetic powers of the universal life. From the touch of these powers of the Holy Spirit the new consciousness will arise and thus a new state of life will become possible.
Only by following the Path of the Rose can one be linked with the breath of life, with the astral forces of the Gnosis.
To be able to do something, we must first acquire the knowledge and the capacity to do it.
Indeed, certain aspects of the spiritual path are subtler than ordinary knowledge, that is, than what can be comprehended by anyone who lacks personal experience of inner realities.
Maybe though, there are things we cling to both material and immaterial, that aren't quite as important or precious as we think they are. And it is only after we let some of them go, inwardly or outwardly, that this becomes apparent.
Yearning, a bit old-fashioned perhaps, but certainly deeper and more powerful than 'wanting' or 'desiring'. The wants and desires of the world that are transient, that come and go, that are replaced sooner or later by new wants and new desires.
The light-seeker gets to know himself and the ordinary world as it is, with all its shortcomings and contradictions. He courageously faces what he sees.
And maybe we can say that in this context seeing intuitively is looking at ourselves and this world, this realm, on the basis of and through the lens of an increasingly purified and silent heart.
What is the beginning - not of the original, but what is the beginning that leads to the original.
The courageous ones come to a halt and allow their astonishment to take root, as well as an accompanying feeling of emptiness, futility and loneliness. If we see through the dream, this emptiness is the prerequisite to be fulfilled in quite a different manner.
What is that before the creation. What is this nothing. What is this divine darkness, the original cause of all."
Suppose you really do that. Suppose Mr or Mrs Average actually does that. What happens then? You strike the rock and a stream of living water comes gushing out and flows on its way.
Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.
One problem apparently solved in the past, the consequences of which have tied a knot that requires undoing in the present.
Peace, which, sooner or later, like all things in this, our world of opposites, our dialectical realm, will turn into its opposite or a variation of itself
In spite of being miserable and afraid because of the non-peace we experience within ourselves and in our connections with almost everything around us, we seem unable to cease acting in ways that constantly aggravate our situation
A song about feeling out of place in this world, a stranger, unable to find satisfaction or peace. Overwhelmed by a sense of futility.
Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning.
Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beautiful.
The walls built by human beings can be very different and made of different materials they are apparently external and visible but essentially internal and invisible.
But you must know words are naught till they are made alive; until the lessons they contain become head and heart.
Know that there are multiple ways to absorb it and I ask you to put aside the rational mind, for the intuitive spiritual mind.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
They have tread this path with compassion and mindfulness. Their courage has preserved for us a path that is open to all beings without exception.
People usually think that progress consists in the increase of knowledge, in the improvement of life, but that isn't so.
Will you be the one who rouses the Divine Spark, the Divine Remnant, the Divine Atom, The Divine Seed from its long long sleep, from its dormancy, from its latency
As the latest personality to temporarily occupy a microcosmic house, will you be a good tenant.
Rising, shining and fading. Applicable to all that lives and exists in this dialectical realm
“This story testifies of a universally applicable help, assistance, which always accompanies humankind in order that every human being can fulfil one purpose underlying their life on this earth.”
“Fear, worry, anxiety and uncertainty arise from the ego, with the mind, our thinking, as it’s instrument. Again, fear is ultimately the product of our thinking.
Lose yourself,
Lose yourself in this love.
When you lose yourself in this love, you will find everything.
Playing parts in our own story lines, acting in, and feeding our own dramas, from minute to minute and from hour to hour.
I cannot prove to you that God exists, but my work proved empirically that the standard of God exists in every man, and that this pattern is the most transformative energy that life is able to provide to the individual. Find this pattern in yourself and your life will be transformed.
Small and hidden is the door that leads inward, and the entrance is barred by countless prejudices, mistaken assumptions, and fears.
They have an innate, intrinsic essence, potentiality. They want to grow. They simply need favourable conditions. And I know from experience these conditions do not have to be perfect, they only need to meet a minimum requirement for initial fragile roots and shoots to emerge.
“Childhood is busy with toys; youth is busy with sex; middle age is busy with earning money; old age is busy with regrets and illnesses: Nobody is busy with God!”
"Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfil all your wishes.
But alas, the more accursed life becomes, the more people seem to cling to it and try to wring from it the blessings they desire. Understandably, though, the results are minimal
This must have a reason, and it can only lie in the fact that many are still clinging too tightly to the things of the old life, and expect divine revelation simply to penetrate the innermost parts of their earthly being and awaken the one true life within their microcosms, without their needing to follow any process.
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.
A fundamental, universal, cosmic Christ radiation exists. Yesterday, today and billions of years ago, this radiation was and is exactly the same. It does not change. This universal grace is and remains eternally unchanged unto itself.
“For several millennia and in various cultures there have been persons who testified of a divine reality, encouraging their fellow human beings who were receptive to this message to contact this other reality and begin living from It.
“As already mentioned, there are in the world, millions of spirit-spark atom entities. A dividing line runs across the ranks of those touched by the cosmic light.
”The greatest ‘sin’ is to call yourself a sinner.” Instead, if you don’t want to blame God (which Yogananda insisted, however, is perfectly fine with God!), tell yourself, “Maya (cosmic delusion) committed this deed through me. I dissociate myself from everything connected with it. In my true Self, I am untainted and ever free!”
God is not worried about your mistakes. All He wants from you is your love. Love Him ever more deeply.” He also used to say, God has everything, except one: Loving you, He wants your love in return.”
Even the worst of sinners can, using the raft of wisdom, safely cross the ocean of delusion
“To be truly ignorant is to reject with a dull heart any offer of a way out of the mud flats of nescience. The truly ignorant, in their stupor, ask no questions of life, and recognise no opportunity for self-improvement even if it offers them everything.
“The first step on the pathway to the heart of the universe is to recognise the truth that all comes from within
"I realise that under the circumstances you have described you feel the need to see clearly. But your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Without, everything seems discordant; only within does it coalesce into unity.
"We intend to place you once more before The Holy Aim, which is hidden to those who are understanding and wise by the standards of this world. If only you can find the missing thread again and hook the missing link to the chain again, then for you the Call will not have sounded in vain.
Based on the Universal Teachings.
Teachings that fallen humanity has been left as a gift. A set of directions passed on by many individuals in different cultures and in different languages and symbols through the ages since the beginning of time (literally), when this portion of humanity fell in vibration, into time and matter, due to wrong focus and orientation.
There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired, as a child in school memorises facts and concepts from books and from what the teacher says, collecting information from the traditional sciences as well as from the new sciences.
"Perhaps you can now understand what the School means by ‘negation’. Negation is no exaltation or denial of dialectical reality, but an inward detachment from it. And this detachment means hastening towards a wonderful liberty. Is such a negation an act of will as many people suppose?
The Greek word for sin (hamartia) is derived from archery and means something like missing the goal and not being well-focused. So, sin is actually not badness in a moral sense, but rather ignorance and lack of practise.
Now let us analyse this mystery. The true pupil is able, in his broken and mortal microcosm, to construct amidst this perishable world, something imperishable and immortal, namely: the mental conception of immortal man, the mental image of the immortal, heavenly being.
When you understand what Lao Tzu really meant to convey, many of your preconceptions will be shot to pieces, for it tears apart the whole paradigm with which humankind has surrounded itself and which has been handed down from generation to generation since time immemorial.
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
The filling of the microcosm with the birth and subsequent development of the personality vehicles, the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies in the material sphere.
In our world everything manifests itself in contrasting pairs only. Day and night, light and darkness, joy and grief, young and old, good and evil, life and death are inseparably bound together, they inescapably succeed and beget each other.
“The human being suffers the afflictions of Delusion. He is tormented by Unreality. He lives in Time, but Time is a fiction, and thus he does not live in the Absolute sense. Yet, buried deep in his microcosm, a tiny Spark is left of the Original.
O Bharata (Arjuna)! Know the the darkening quality of tamas to produce spiritual ignorance, which deludes the mind and makes people lazy, heedless and excessively attracted to subconcious sleep. (14:8)
"The God united yogi, relinquishing attachment to the fruits of action, attains unshakeable inner peace. That person, however, who does not direct his energies upward toward union with God is ruled by desire. Attached to the fruits of action, he lives in perpetual bondage."
If you release the power which lies sunken in the Primordial Atom by surrendering yourself in inner silence and calm; if, in this way, the 'fragrance of the Rose' can find expression, then the New Soul, which is of God, will be able to achieve whatever it wills.
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."
First of all we have to broach an old subject discussed at length in our ranks by stating that Christ is not a hierophant of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the gross material world, but is first of all an impersonal, limitless Being, manifesting Himself as Light, as Power, as a mighty Radiation-Field.
"Divinity is at the heart of you. It is the root of you. It is the core of the core of your being……..
If you have ever really loved someone, or been loved by someone, you will know that the whole heart can be absorbed and uplifted by it. This gives rise to an emanation, which radiates from the heart and establishes the connecting link. Well it is with a love like that, that the heart must devote itself to the spiritual rose, which is present in the heart, in the centre of your being.
Praise the God of All
Drink the Wine
And let the world be the world.