“The Eye That Sees Everything”
Man Ray, 1919.

October 14, 2022

Beyond Form…….

“Whatever has form, sound and colour is a thing. How else could one thing differ from another? But none of those things can equal that which was before any of them. They are merely objects of sense. But the perfect is beyond form and beyond susceptibility to change. When a man attains to the perfect and continues therein, right to the utmost limit, how could any other thing oppose or hinder him? He would be able to occupy the place assigned to him without ever leaving it, and he would remain hidden in trackless time. Rejoicing, he would observe the activity that imparts to all things their beginning and their end.

By restoring his nature to unity, nourishing his vital energy and concentrating his essence, he will penetrate to the origin of things. In that state, in which his heavenly nature is contained completely within itself and his spirit is undivided, how could anything else penetrate?

…The candidate for the new life opens his gates to the light and power of the Gnosis, and over him comes the breath of life. And then he is so absorbed by it that he not only rises above all affliction, anxiety, worry, fear and limitation, but they also lose all power to harm him. He enters the peace of the soul.

…When the human being has followed the path of return to the new life right to the end, he is perfect, and in that final phase there is not one part of him that is not totally beyond form and change, beyond all the aspects and phenomena of the order of time and space. It is not possible to form any image of such an existence, even though it is an actual state of being. Neither should we think of any kind of glorified form, for the new human being in his absolute state is an entity beyond form. Being unbounded, he exists in the illimitable.

Those who begin to inhale the perfect breath of life enter a process of growth that will lead them from the dialectical ‘something' to the divine ‘nothing’. Once engaged in that process, they become increasingly free of the limitations and phenomena of the form-world of time and space until, in the end, nothing can withstand them any longer. They will be able to occupy the place assigned to them without ever leaving it. Free of matter, free of the reflection-sphere, free of every dialectical sense-object, and yet an ‘I am', they will remain hidden in trackless time.

…May this sublime wisdom strengthen you in your resolve to walk the path that leads to life. He who walks the path is set free, for all eternity, in the hidden realms of trackless time.”

Extracts from Chapter VII - The Breath of Life


Catharose De Petri


Dont go to Strangers

