Breaking the Walls of the Heart
Breaking the Walls of the Heart.
By Golden Rosycross. 11 February 2022.
June 21, 2022
Breaking the Walls of the Heart……..
The walls built by human beings can be very different and made of different materials. They are apparently external and visible but essentially internal and invisible.
These walls are the thoughts feelings and actions that are in disharmony with our real being and that generate conflicts and suffering.
It is his self-centred consciousness, the root of all these countless barriers. It is what separates his consciousness from true love.
The love of which Rumi speaks about has nothing to do with this love as sentiment nor as some kind of love supposedly elevated and associated with religious dogmas or any other external authority. Love here is absolute love which is the latent universal principle that already exists within the heart of each one of us.
As Rumi tells us it is no use seeking this love outside yourself for it is a vain search and in the end you always return empty-handed.
And how can one access love within oneself there is no formula or manual for self-help after experiences and maturing you naturally realize that the search is not external, nor is it later, what you are looking for already lies within you here and now.
In this way guided by love and with a new understanding you can carry out your inner work and each day with persistence and joy as if equipped with a drill in your chest you will break down the walls erected in your heart and transform them into an attitude of completely new life.