Divine Shelter

Giving potential Divine Shelter among the darkness.

November 15 , 2023

Divine Shelter……..

Could be that you are thinking that the path presented by the Spiritual School is not for imperfect people, but only for perfect people, who are exalted far above the ordinary, everyday level. But that is certainly not so. And neither does it matter whether or not one has had a good education. For, to follow the path, one must learn to think in quite a different way than is promoted in the universities. The ordinary, intellectual way of thinking can even be quite an obstruction, particularly if one were to mistake intellectual knowledge for real knowledge. Everyone who follows the path one day has to realise that the sum of all knowledge is ‘that we know nothing’. Only then are we open to the radiations of the Universal Teachings, and only then can true wisdom be born in us.

……..a living connection has been made possible between the School’s power field and the Universal Brotherhood of Christ, whose sole aim is to help humankind to transcend the boundaries of this dialectical nature order. As a result of this connection, helping, sanctifying impulses from the domain of the Brotherhood are able to flow into the power field and are therefore available in a concentrated form to all who, by their striving for liberation in the Spiritual School, have connected themselves with the power field

……..It is very helpful to be able to discriminate between influences originating from the invisible realms of the dialectical world (the reflection sphere), and those originating from the Original Kingdom. It is always possible to tell the difference if you understand that the position of the dialectical ego as the focus of consciousness is never questioned by influences emanating from the reflection sphere, whether they are urging human beings towards actions that, in ordinary terms, are ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

……….Influences originating from the Original Kingdom, on the other hand, always have the effect of activating the primordial atom and its yearning for salvation. They never place the ego on any kind of pedestal, however subtle or refined, but on the contrary unmask the delusions of the ego. That is why the message of the Spiritual School is so often rejected, because its aim is to dislodge the ego from its position of imagined superiority. This message is only for the few who have drained the cup of experience enough to see the truth. Experience eventually teaches us that the only cure for human suffering is to surrender the I-consciousness and all its delusions, so that the inner Christ consciousness – which is real and eternal – can be restored to its proper place as ruler and guide of the microcosmic system.

………The power field is kept pure and is strengthened and vivified through the daily perseverance, devotion and yearning of the pupils who are engaged in following the path. In response to their persistent striving the power field transmits spiritual forces from the original, divine life field. The purer the striving and the less the influences of the I predominate, the more intensely will the inflowing and helping forces be active. In this way a dynamic Living Body has come into being that constantly reveals new insights and opens up new possibilities. Such a pure power field is always in development and motion; it is very much alive, hence the term ‘Living Body’. It is, as it were, on a journey with its pupils, a journey to the Great Aim. For pupils of the Spiritual School, the power field forms a protected place, an alchemical laboratory equipped with everything necessary for the realisation of the new soul. It is like a smithy in which the hammer blows fall, breaking up the pupils’ old state of being and helping them to forge their new armour. For those outside the Spiritual School, the power field functions as an apparatus for radiating the influences of the Original Kingdom in a transmuted form. In this way, these healing influences are more easily enabled to reach those yearning for liberation so that they can be touched and guided towards the only effective solution.

……….In the Living Body of the Spiritual School every pupil forms a co-responsible yet autonomous cell. In that co-operation even the weakest becomes strong. For what is attained by each one is available to all, and what is attained by all is available to each individual participant. Each one receives the help that has been set free by the self-surrender of the group. For this to work, though, it needs to be remembered that each individual’s active co-operation is essential. The Living Body gives us the power we need to change – but we need to use it! We need to take the necessary action in our lives. Otherwise we will stay the same, and even the most profound teachings will remain just words, words, words – and then all they will do is weigh us down like ballast.

Extracts from Exploration 12 - The Powerfield of the Spiritual School

The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross - An Introduction in 12 Explorations


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