Rose in Vase on Sideboard.
5 December 2017.

December 14, 2022

Don’t Touch the Filled Vase…….

We do not think it is pride that makes us say ‘we are children of God'. You are, too; you also possess that childship. Some people are rather more conscious of this than others, but we are all equal, and perfection is waiting for every one of us. So now let us try together to find the key to chapter nine, guided by our awareness of being children of God.

……..And now we know: that is the key! The child of God possesses a filled vase, the seven-petalled rose, the seven petalled calyx of the lily, the grail-cup of the heart. The child of God is a child of God precisely because he possesses that holy cup. It constitutes the entire Kingdom of God in us; a whole universe is contained within the primordial atom. In that atom lies the All.

However, the dialectical self presents an extreme danger as far as these things are concerned. Your ego is not the child of God; your dialectical consciousness has nothing to do with it. Your ego is a robot-consciousness, quite incapable of liberation. You occupy a microcosm in which the divine being lies enclosed, and the Tao Te Ching says to you: `Please keep your fingers off that filled vase!' The grail-cup is filled with the blood of the lamb, with the pure, living water, and not one drop of the unholy nature may be added to it. So do not go near it; keep your distance, in absolute self-surrender. Please refrain from saying `I ' - with the emphasis on the I - `am a child of God'. You are only very close to the child of God. It is in the same microcosm as you. The Other One was there long before you, and will be there long after. You must diminish and the Other One must increase. Do not touch the filled vase of the Lord! You, with your mystical or occult delusion, must not lay hands on the holy vessel. This grail-cup contains the wine of the Lord, and this wine, this living water, must touch you; it must quench your thirst.

Extracts from Chapter 9 "Do Not Touch the Filled Vase"

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Light Upon Light


Treat Yourself