Growing Seeds

Tentative shoots appearing from White Musk Mallow seeds. 28 May 2020.
Perhaps the square containers can be seen as the fourfold personality (the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies) contained within our microcosm which when directed properly can help
set the conditions to germinate and grow the Divine Seed within us.


26 May, 2022

Growing Seeds……..

Like many, I grow seeds.

Wildflowers and herbs mostly but anything that is in favour with bees, butterflies and other pollinators, giving this lifeboat that supports us (if one sees it as such) a helping hand, helping to keep it sea worthy so to speak.

Except I don’t grow them, they grow themselves.

Seeds want to grow.

They have an innate, intrinsic essence, potentiality. They want to grow. They simply need favourable conditions. And I know from experience these conditions do not have to be perfect, they only need to meet a minimum requirement for initial fragile roots and shoots to emerge.

I simply set the conditions for them as best I can. The seeds have everything within them that they require to fulfil their innate potentiality.

Perhaps this can be seen as analogous to the Divine Remnant, the Divine Seed within us.

A dormant Divine Seed that is waiting for the personality contained within the microcosm to begin to set favourable conditions in order that this dormant seed, this gift, can be exposed to a Divine Light, a higher vibration to which it can react, in order for it to slowly awaken, and for initial fragile roots and shoots to emerge, leading to a flower that can slowly but surely unfold and bloom.


Unfolding Rose


Potential of a Seed