Holy Places (so called)


October 17, 2023

Holy Places……..(so called)

“God does not need Holy places - every human being is an altar, wherever you are.”

Rubem Alves

Become a Holy, whole place.

Become a Holy, whole vessel.

Rid oneself of dogma and all that results from it.

Through insight begin the renewal, and subsequent repair, of the four personality vehicles that are contained in the microcosmic human system, become an instrument in the service of something greater, and make that system Holy, whole once more.

Beginning with a silence in the heart, that can lay the the foundation and act as a catalyst to begin to receive original, pure, divine energies.

Energies, radiation, light that is not of this world but interpenetrates this world as a helping hand, a gift, for those that are receptive.

Make ones system fit for the underlying purpose of life.

Become a mobile, living temple of divinity that shines from the inside, outward.

For the benefit of ones microcosmic system, and for the benefit of others who may be receptive to a fundamental change.

“I don't belong to any religion. My religion is love and each heart is my temple.”



"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

Carl Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

"There is light within a person of light, and it illuminates the entire cosmos."

Gospel of Thomas - saying 24


Only Us Humans


Merry!?-go-Round (two) Repost