Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender…..Yearning
Carmague Cross.
July 13, 2022
Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender……..Yearning
Sounds like an old-fashioned word, something you would find in a Bronte Sisters novel, "I yearn for her", "I yearn for him" or
"I yearn for the day when", stuff like that.
A heavy word, a dramatic word, a powerful word.
Or maybe something someone’s nan might have said (though i never heard mine say it!). She was too busy asking "Why are you always so stroppy?" and "When are you going to get a proper job?"
Yearning, a bit old-fashioned perhaps, but certainly deeper and more powerful than 'wanting' or 'desiring'. The wants and desires of the world that are transient, that come and go, that are replaced sooner or later by new wants and new desires.
Yearning, a heavy word, a deep word, a magnetic word.
Something that is anchored within oneself, in the depths of oneself, in the core of the core of oneself.
And this yearning that is anchored within oneself can act as a catalyst, a fulcrum, to seek in a new direction and discover and bring forth something lying dormant and waiting patiently within and on which basis a process can begin.
A yearning that is forged from the experiences of this world, this realm. And not just the experiences of our current personality in this current incarnation but the experiences of our predecessors, the past personalities, the past tenants of the microcosm that surrounds us and that we inhabit as we go about our daily activities in this world.
Past personalities that over many incarnations entering and then exiting the microcosm may have filled the microcosm to the brim, to overflowing with the experiences of this realm.
Perhaps then a personality may come along for whom "the penny finally drops" (something my nan did actually used to say!) and the resulting yearning leads to a focus on the dormant waiting Divine Love within.
So Yearning.
An old-fashioned word that my nan might have said but actually didn't, that is anchored in the depths of oneself, in the core of the core, and that has been forged from the experiences of this realm, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and everything in between.