December 9, 2022

Intellect Crazy…….

Nevertheless, there is a formidable obstruction, for in addition to this mighty, glorious, spiritual Being, we possess another, quite different consciousness. It is seated in the head sanctuary. It is the ego, the animal or intellectual consciousness. The consciousness of the Rose is transpersonal, divine, whereas the I-consciousness is an aspect of the personality. That is why it is animal and mortal. And would it not be true to say that your life's centre of gravity lies in your head?

That is fine if you want nothing more from life than the journey, as a personality, from the cradle to the grave. But it is not fine at all - it is crazy - if you are seeking and aiming at the life of absolute reality. For you cannot possibly participate in or gain access to the great reality with your intellectual consciousness.

The I-centrality, the I-consciousness, in which your centre of gravity probably lies, must subordinate itself completely to the transpersonal, to the Lord of Life, who dwells in the heart. The centre of gravity of your life must be transferred totally from the head to the heart. Then the great miracle will reveal itself to you.

That is the Endura, the turning of one's entire being inward, towards the true self, the highest self, towards the Lord of Life in you. The Endura does not direct you outward, but inward, towards the holy, golden rose, which radiates from its dwelling place in the heart.

Extract from Chapter 26-II "The Three Crosses"

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Imaginative Consciousness and the Key


Teresa of Avila, Transcending, Liking, and Love