Inward, Upward, Higher


7 May, 2022

Inward, Upward, Higher……..

“The first step on the pathway to the heart of the universe is to recognise the truth that all comes from within. All the inspirations of genius, all the great thoughts which have made and unmade civilisations, all the wonderful messages that have been delivered by the Great Ones of the earth to their fellow human beings, all these come forth from within. The battle of union, towards union, for union, with your own inner god, is more than half won when you recognise this truth.

How splendid is the pathway seen after that! How glorious is it! Leading ever more inward and inward, which is the same as saying upward and upward, ever higher and higher, till you become at one with your own kin, the gods, who are the governors and rulers of the universe, and of whom men are the children.

The inmost of the inmost of you is a god, a living Divinity; and from this Divine Source there flow downwards into your human mentality all the things that make men great, all the things that give rise to love and mighty hope and inspiration and aspiration, and noblest of all, self-sacrifice.

In yourself lie all the mysteries of the universe. Through your inner self, your spiritual nature, you have a road reaching to the very heart of the universe. If you travel that road leading ever within, if you can go into yourself, go behind veil after veil of self-hood, deeper and deeper into yourself, you go deeper and deeper into the wondrous mysteries of Universal Nature.

Knowing yourself, you progress more quickly than the average running of the evolutionary course; and when this pace is quickened to the utmost, there are initiations, short cuts in fact, but only for those who are fit and ready to take these difficult, very difficult, short cuts. growth proceeds step by step.

This pathway is spoken of as a road, yet it is the unlocking of the heart of man, not the physical heart, but the heart of his being, the essence of the man; in other words the unlocking and development of his spiritual and intellectual and psychical powers and faculties. This is the doctrine of the heart, the Secret Doctrine, the doctrine which is hid. The eye doctrine is that which can be seen and is more or less open.

The same Universal Life flows through all things that are. The same stream of consciousness which flows in the mighty whole and through the mighty whole of the universe, flows therefore through man, an inseparable portion of that universe. This means that there is a pathway by which you may come into intimate relation with The Heart of the Universe itself; and that pathway is you, your own inner being, your own inner nature, your spiritual self. Not the self of ordinary physical man, which self is just a poor reflection of the spiritual brilliance within, but that inner self of pure consciousness, pure Love for all that is, unstained by any earthly taint, your spiritual being.”

Extract from The Path to the Heart of the Universe

G. De Purucker


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