Knowing, Overcoming, Unlocking, New Life


Phacelia flowers grown from seed,
illuminated by sunlight. July 2015.

August 15, 2022

Knowing, Overcoming, Unlocking,
New Life……..

“It would be wonderful if you could realise this, for then you could be spared a long road of experience, accompanied by much trouble and sorrow. At the heart of all this is the need for you to uncover a mystery, which consists of the following steps:

the first is knowing oneself, through which one attains illumination;

the second is overcoming oneself, through which one becomes omnipotent;

the third is unlocking a new form of energy, through which the magic faculty of the will is generated;

and the fourth is entry into the everlasting, new life, which happens when the end of the journey through matter has been reached.

You would do well to study this formula, and try to put it into practice so that you can taste the fruits of it. It is a formula that comes to you from the primordial past, bringing with it the glory of infallibility. The question is, how does one attain self knowledge, and so become illumined? And what does it mean to be illumined?

To find real answers to these questions, one needs to have had a certain measure of experience; one needs to have drunk from the bitter cup of suffering. For it is experience that makes such questions well up in the human heart, questions like: `What is the purpose of my life? What does it really mean to be human? What is the destiny of humankind?'

If you do not ask these questions in an intellectual way, but because you are driven by an inner need, because these issues are really problems for you; if these questions well up from the deepest depths of your being, then the urge to seek will emerge in you of its own accord. It is an urge that will be felt as a vital need, as a ‘to be or not to be'. Then, the whole of the Universal Doctrine will open for you, the whole of the divine plan for the world and humankind.”

Extract from Chapter 33-I "He Who Knows Himself is Illumined"

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Seed, Nourished, Flower, Flourished


Divine Gardening