The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai 1831.
23 May, 2022
What is this world, planet, realm, however you wish to describe it.
Perhaps it can be seen as a lifeboat. And what is a lifeboat. A lifeboat is a temporary structure used to keep people afloat while they are awaiting rescue and can then be taken to a place of safety, taken to the shore, taken home.
So, perhaps this world, planet, realm is a lifeboat.
And this lifeboat is keeping our microcosm and the personality vehicles contained within it (the physical, the etheric, the astral and the mental bodies) afloat while the microcosm awaits rescue.
When one finds oneself in or on a lifeboat it is usually with a sense of gratitude and hope. Gratitude that one is being kept afloat, and hope that a safe return home will soon be possible.
That is if the structure that you are on is seen as a lifeboat.
However, the vast majority of humanity does not see this world, planet, realm as a lifeboat, as a temporary structure.
Humanity in general sees this realm as a five star luxury cruise liner, on and in which it constantly looks horizontally, outwardly, out to sea, for the next destination, the next experience, the next sensation.
With these external experiences and sensations humanity tries to quell internal unease and fill internal emptiness.
An internal unease and emptiness that is, at its root, the homesickness, the longing to return home of the divine remnant in the centre of the microcosm.
In the age humanity has now entered perhaps more and more people will begin to look in a different direction in order to quell this unease, to fill this emptiness.
Perhaps for those that are sick and tired of being sick and tired, perhaps in a state of inner surrender, a quiet desperation, the realisation will dawn of the futility of looking outside oneself for that which can only be found within.
For them, with a little discernment, they may find information that is new to them and that resonates with them enough to know more, to learn of a different way.
Perhaps they may gain insight into who they really are and what the true purpose of this world, planet, realm, this lifeboat is.
A lifeboat that has the purpose of keeping our lost and damaged microcosm afloat until the temporary personality within it realises that it has a crucial part to play in the rescue plan and through a change in orientation and focus inward rather than outward, begins to assist in the process of the repair and to the eventual safe return home of the eternal being, the microcosm, to the divine realm.