Masks wearing Masks


June 4, 2022

Masks wearing Masks……..

Persona noun, plural personae.

In ancient Latin the word persona meant "mask".

As personalities we all have a persona, a mask, a facade that we present to the world.

We have many masks depending on the changing situations we encounter daily and throughout our lives.

We change these masks, the way we wish others and the world to perceive us, and maybe how we want to see ourselves, according to our wants and desires or our need for protection and solace from the perceived threats and challenges that this dialectical world throws at us from moment to moment.

Perhaps it is the continuous layering of these personality traits, these masks, driven by the self-maintaining motives of the ego, that suffocate our divine essence, the divine remnant, the divine seed within us and prevents us from gaining an insight into who we truly are and, through a process, what we can become once more.


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