Seeking and Construction


August 10, 2022

Seeking and Construction……..

The human manifestation as we know it, the physical human being living in the material world, is not the real, noble human being intended by God, but constitutes the instrument with whose help the great marvel of creation must be achieved. To make that possible, the lower human being is encompassed by the higher human being. However, the ensouling factor, the igniting flame that would lead to ‘life' in the true sense, is still lacking, for it has yet to be constructed from basic principles. So all the resources necessary for that construction process must be brought together and mobilised so that, as a result of their functioning and their receptivity, an exchange, an interaction of forces and radiations can come about.

The result will be a life full of intense experiences. When these experiences have been sufficiently etched into the developing human being - and, alas, this is a process attended by much sorrow and pain! - an acute longing begins to develop in the person concerned, a longing to know the real purpose of life, and to be able to fulfil that purpose. The result is that the person begins to seek, and love for the one goal develops in his heart.

Extract from Chapter 33-III “He who dies, yet is not lost, will enjoy everlasting life”

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Divine Gardening

