So, Do You Know God Then!?

November 7 , 2023

So, Do You Know God Then !?……..

I know that a sleeping divine essence, a sleeping beauty, a remnant of divinity, is waiting to be re-awakened in the core of the core of our human system.

I know God is within.

I know that God is all around, interpenetrating everything as a radiative plenitude, an offering, a helping hand, a gift, a promise to those who are ready to receive it.

I know God is without.

And I know that the personality and its vehicles such as they are, with the back and forth of their low vibrational thoughts, emotions and desires born of egocentricity and self maintenance act as a barrier, a block to the meeting, romance and eventual marriage of God within and God without.


Shining Always Promise


Real, True, Divine Alchemy