

2 May, 2022


Based on the Universal Teachings.

Teachings that fallen humanity has been left as a gift. A set of directions passed on by many individuals in different cultures and in different languages and symbols through the ages since the beginning of time (literally), when this portion of humanity fell in vibration, into time and matter, due to wrong focus and orientation.

After many lifetimes, riding the merry go round that is the wheel of birth and death, reincarnating time and time again, a fallen microcosm may have generated within it a personality that has grown weary of the experiences this dialectical world has to offer and begins seeking. It is for these weary travellers, pilgrims, who wish to begin the journey back home that this gift has been left and is waiting to be unwrapped.

Humanity is dreaming. Mankind takes that which he perceives through his five senses as being the only ‘reality’ available to him. There is another reality, potentially available to all, a divine reality, outside of space and time, outside the play of opposites that is the signature of the dialectical world we currently inhabit. This pristine, divine reality, used to be home to our fallen portion of humanity, before our ‘fall’ in vibration, orientation and focus.

A remnant of this divine reality, the Spirit-Spark Atom, the Divine Spark, the Atman, the Jewel in the Lotus, the Rosebud, the Rose of the Heart , the ‘Kingdom of God’ is still present within us, sleeping, dormant, in the centre of our microcosm, the spherical container within which our our physical body and other vehicles are contained. This ‘Divine Kingdom’ within us is closer than hands and feet.

This gift, divinity within us, has been lulled asleep, encased by the coarse, low vibrations of our physical body and the coarse, low vibrations of humanity’s worldly directed thoughts and emotions. These heavy vibrations surround us day and night.

Sin is fundamentally, wrong focus, wrong orientation, directing ones attention toward and exclusively on this perceived material ‘reality’. This wrong focus ensnares and embroils humanity ever deeper into the material world and its interplay of opposites through actions, and outcomes to those actions, and the thoughts and emotions that we attach to them. These thoughts and emotions spur us on to more actions and outcomes and so on. The show rolls on and on, more knots are tied, more causes and effects, and more karma is accumulated.

Despite humanity’s focus on this dialectical world of opposites, that are constantly changing to a greater or lesser degree, and in-spite of humanity’s mostly well-meaning efforts and activities in areas such as agriculture, industry and now technology, more and more people find it increasingly difficult to find or maintain any fundamental peace or satisfaction within or outside of themselves.

In light of this, perhaps a change of focus, a change of orientation, a change in the direction of one's attention is and will increasingly become, a necessity for individuals, and through individuals, for humanity as a whole. A change from an egocentric outlook to one of increasing selflessness and an attitude of inner detachment to the vagaries of this dialectical world. A focus on the world within ourselves.

A change in focus, when applied through insight and a deep yearning, consistently and in sincerity can set the conditions for a break-in of our system by a Divine Light. The Divine Gift within us may then be reignited, set vibrating, unfold and sparkle once more.

This process, this path, the Gnostic Path of Transfiguration, the Path of Return, is travelled in self-responsibility and self-authority. It is an inner journey and it is ones inner state that determines the openness and receptivity required to attract and receive increasingly refined energies and forces of higher vibration in order that tentative inner changes can begin and eventually our microcosm can be repaired and healed.

Travelling the path in the way of freedom of choice, self-responsibility and self-authority enables each step on the Gnostic Path of Return to be self-authenticated by oneself, from the inside out.


Holy Aim


Two Kinds of Intelligence