
July 31, 2022




the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole.

“East and west, north and south, will meet each other as newly awakened children of God, who will need to recognise each other not only in signature but also in inner language.

That is why you need to know and taste Tao, and all other wisdom teachings, so that you can live , speak and act from their synthesis, freeing yourself of your own particular national characteristics in order to become a true world citizen of the universal people of God. So what we have to say here should serve, among other things, as a preparation for contact between all those who will be gathered together from the corners of the earth. This preparation is a task that needs to be fulfilled, and we would like to offer you our heartfelt invitation to join us in it. Join us in bringing this task to a good end!

Extract from Chapter 1 - Being and Not Being

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Universal Wisdom


Timeless Truths