The Forever Gap

Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare.
By Henri Cartier-Bresson. 1932.

July 26, 2022

The Forever Gap……..

Where the personality, driven by the predominantly egocentric consciousness, thinks it should be in life as opposed to where it is.

Where we are in life, as opposed to where we think we should be, or desire to be, or where society in all its different forms tells us we should be.

A gap, a hollowness, sometimes smaller, sometimes greater, but always there.

Maybe the forever gap is almost closed, but quite often once a goal is achieved it may turn out to be not quite what was expected,

Maybe the forever gap is almost closed, the goal is achieved, but cannot be sustained and turns into a variation of the goal.

A new gap then appears.

A dissatisfaction, a hollowness, underlying the activities in this world, of this world, whatever they may be.

Activities that lead to the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and everything in between, or at least what we each label as such.

If one does not feel this forever gap, or does not feel it keenly, then the activities of the world in all their forms are readily available.

But, maybe for those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired there is another way.

Instead of trying to close the forever gap, there may be a way, a process, a path to transcend it.



