The Good Tenant

Vitruvian Man by Leanardo da Vinci.

June 8, 2022

The Good Tenant……..

Definition of tenant

- one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another.

As the latest personality to temporarily occupy a microcosmic house, will you be a good tenant.

As the latest personality to inhabit the microcosmic house will you leave that within which you dwell, a cleaner place than you found it.

Perhaps, as temporary personalities, we do not have a microcosm but that the microcosm has us.

The microcosm has us, the personality, the tenant, as a temporary instrument, the correct use and direction of which can help fulfil the one underlying purpose of incarnation.

The purification, transmutation and eventual transfiguration of the personality vehicles and the microcosm in which they are contained and at the service of.


What Will You Write


Rising, Shining, Fading