Universal Legend of King Arthur and the Holy Grail


The Universal Legend of King Arthur.
By Golden Rosycross UK. October 2018.

June 6, 2022

Universal Legend of King Arthur……..


“This story testifies of a universally applicable help, assistance, which always accompanies humankind in order that every human being can fulfil one purpose underlying their life on this earth.”


“The Grail, symbolised by a chalice, is in reality a mighty concentration of Light Power, which throughout the centuries has become an intense Saving Force, the Universal Light of the World, Brahma, Tao, Krishna, Buddha, Ahura Mazda, Christos, Christ, Gnosis.

It is this Light Power which touches us and makes us seek.

For ours is not the life intended by God, it is temporary and yet affords the infinite potential.

A greater immortal life awaits us.”


Rising, Shining, Fading


Freedom from Fear and your True Self