
June 18, 2022


Words, both written and spoken, are not in and of themselves the Divine Light.

The Divine Light which, although not of this world, interpenetrates this world, as a catalyst and helping hand toward transformation and healing for those that are receptive.

However all words, both written and spoken, do have a certain vibration.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Like attracts like.

So, if energy does flow from the attention given to reading or listening to the Universal Teachings, is there a space within oneself, an openness, a receptiveness, a resonance for those vibrations, that energy to find its likeness within oneself, and to permeate through to the heart.

Does the written or spoken word, together with a fullness of experience of the worldly, begin to stir something that is unwritten, that cannot be written or spoken, can only be experienced, in the depths of oneself, in the core of ones being,  the divine gift, the waiting love within.

More words with a certain type of vibration here, goldenrosycross.org/books


More Words….Head, Heart, Heart, Head


Gospel of Thomas