20th December


December 20, 2024

20th December……..

……Twelve gods rule everything that exists and lives within the zodiac. These twelve gods have their reflections in our lipika and hence in our magnetic system and in our personality.

…….For a fundamental force emanates from the Gnosis, and he who stands on this stands as if on a rock. There is a gnostic controlling force, and he who walks his path by means of this force can never deviate. And there is a gnostic activating force. Whoever is armed with this force possesses Siegfried’s sword and a light-vesture that will escape all dangers.

Extracts from Chapter 24 “The Zodiac - A Twelvefold Prison”

The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia

Jan van Rijckenborgh

Sagittarius - “The dream of dualistic deification”

Definition of deification : the act of raising something into a god like status.

In other words idealising and romanticising oneself, others and this dialectical, dualistic world in general.


(but maybe something in our centre and its likeness all around us can help negate and dissolve the forces and influences of the twelve!)

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Scriptures, Holy Grail, Wine and Bread


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