The Beginning that leads to the Original

July 7, 2022

The Beginning that leads to the Original……..

What is the beginning - not of the original, but what is the beginning that leads to the original, the beginning that all our predecessors had found? What else could it be but the practice of the Fivefold Universal Gnosis:

yearning for salvation
the new way of life
and through it, fifthly, revelation, the thread of Tao.

Not a communication in the personal sense, but an electromagnetic connection with the Gnosis through which the soul, the wholly Other One, is awakened and becomes conscious. That is the thread of Tao.

Extract from Chapter 14-1 Look at Tao and You Do Not See It

The Chinese Gnosis - A Commentary on the Tao Te Ching

Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri

This Path of Return has various aspects, all of which you need to take into account. We have often mentioned the Fivefold Universal Gnosis, a process which corresponds with your vital fluids:

insight, which involves the blood;
yearning for salvation, which involves the hormonal fluids;
self-surrender, which involves the serpent-fire;
the new way of life, which involves the nerve-fluid;
the actual rebirth of the soul, which involves the astral fluid.

For many years, every effort has been made to give pupils of the School of the Rosycross sufficient insight into their condition. The same can be said about yearning for salvation. When a person has some insight, he begins to yearn for the new life-field. For years we have been telling you almost daily that the self-surrender of the I, the I-less state, is the key to the new life-field. And you know that these three paths - insight, yearning for salvation and self-surrender - are connected with electromagnetic radiations which are present and can be experienced in the power-field of the School.

Extract from Chapter 19-I Abandon Knowledge

The Chinese Gnosis - A Commentary on the Tao Te Ching

Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender…..Insight


Dream World