Aquarius - Inner Revolution.
By Golden Rosycross. 8 March 2022.
June 11, 2022
"As human beings we do not only live in the era of change, but also in a change of era."
"All consolidated structures are now eroding as new cosmic forces drive mankind towards new consciousness and towards renewal. We can say that this development, this change from a material to an etheric dominance finds its purpose in building a regeneration out of degeneration."
"So there are two roads. The road of regenerative ascent and the road of degenerative descent.
And now we are still free to choose between these two roads."
"However this is not in any way automatic process of development. No all of us are confronted here with a personal choice, the new attitude to life must be chosen by each one of us personally.
Each one of us will have to make a positive decision. Each one of us must enter the process.
So we can conclude that if we want to connect with the new possibilities of our times we will have to change completely and open wide the door of our heart, and we'll have to do that very soon, in fact immediately. Because only with an open pure heart our thinking will be fertilized by the Light received by the heart."