"This flower is mine!"
A Bumblebee finding it's target and clinging to the centre of a Cosmos Purity flower grown from seed. July 2015
June 10, 2022
Will you be the one who rouses the Divine Spark, the Divine Remnant, the Divine Atom, The Divine Seed from its long long sleep, from its dormancy, from its latency
Will you, ordinary plain old you, be the one to start the liberating process, a rescue plan if you will.
Will it be you who begins this process. Why not you.
Will it be you who, through insight, yearning and self surrender begins to quieten the ego, who begins to quell the desires of the external world and to create a space in the heart.
A space in the heart from which a stillness can develop. A space in the heart that can be filled with the attitude of seeking without grasping.
Will it be you who begins the process of clearing away the layers within which this jewel, this gift, is encased in order that it may be touched by something that will enable it to begin to shine once more.
This process is not to gain something that one has never had. It is to regain, re-link, re-vivify, heal and bring to life once more that which we once had, that which we once were and have the potential to be again.
Perhaps the difficulty of the process is proportionate to the strength of attachments and fascinations that this material world, this dialectical world holds for us in our present state as predominantly individualised egocentric beings.
Will you be the one to grab the teachings and follow the example of those who have preceded us on the path. Those who have applied these Universal Truths to their own lives.
Will you be the one who embeds the Universal Teachings in your own life and lives them in the modern day.
Teachings and truths that become alive in the present day, now, within us and through us.
Why not you.