Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender…..Insight
A boy gazing with wonder at a Runner Bean plant grown from a seed. Perhaps that gaze of wonder can be directed at some tentative roots and shoots that have begun to appear from the Divine Seed within.
July 8, 2022
Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender……..Insight
(i) seeing inwardly.
(ii) an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding.
(iii) understanding the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively.
And maybe we can say that in this context seeing intuitively is looking at ourselves and this world, this realm, on the basis of and through the lens of an increasingly purified and silent heart.
A space in the heart free from the oscillations, the back and forth of the worldly, the “slings and arrows” (1) that have been written about.
Seeing ourselves for who we really are rather than who we think we are or want to be.
Seeing the world for what it really is rather than what we want or desire it to be.
Insight into our true purpose here, the purpose of our existence in this realm.
Insight as to what we used to be, what we are now and what we can become once again.
Insight that can lead to the realisation of the potential that lies dormant in the waiting Divine Seed, Divine Remnant, Atman, Jewel in the Lotus, Rose of the Heart within us.
If one is ready to ask the questions, questions driven by a yearning, forged from the experiences of this world, that can lead to such insight.
Maybe that young lad above had read too much Jack and the Beanstalk and thought answers, riches, solace and escape could be found by looking upward or outward, when it seems that actually freedom and truth, real treasure are to be found inward, within oneself, closer than hands and feet.
(1) From Hamlet, Act III Scene I “To Be or not to Be” by William Shakespeare.
Full text here.