An artists impression of the the Spirit-Spark Atom, the Divine Seed, Divine Remnant in the centre of the microcosmic system being struck by its likeness, the Divine Light that interpenetrates this world but is not of this world.
April 17, 2022
First of all we have to broach an old subject discussed at length in our ranks by stating that Christ is not a hierophant of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the gross material world, but is first of all an impersonal, limitless Being, manifesting Himself as Light, as Power, as a mighty Radiation-Field. This radiation-field of Christ which has appeared among us, giving no rest or peace to this dark world-order, exerts a great influence, or rather whole series of influences.
Modern man is well aware of the fact that radiation invisible to the eye can exert such a great influence, as people of our time are acquainted with their manifold applications in various fields. In the medical world, in military technology and in many laboratories, experiments are now being conducted with invisible rays.
There is radiation that has a detaching effect, and there is radiation that might be indicated as drawing or attracting. The first group is called ultraviolet and the second infrared. The radiation-field of Christ, being complete in itself, contains a complete spectrum and can hence be envisaged as a Sun, an invisible solar body, the radiation and influences of which must be both attracting and detaching. The following explanation may give you a picture of the agency of these two different, harmoniously interacting influences and forces of the radiation-field of Christ.
The attracting or infrared light of the Divine Sun touches you at a given moment. Now when your heart-sanctuary is of a special nature, referred to in our philosophy as the nature of a spirit-spark entity, meaning that there is a spirit-spark atom in your right heart-ventricle, then you will react to this attracting Light; in fact you will be obliged to react. The ordinary consciousness does not know of this; the ‘I’ will even spontaneously oppose it and give rise to various caricatural utterances; it will however, together with your whole being, be dragged along in a torrent of reaction. The entire human being will thus be subjected to a whole series of experiences, due to the fact of having been struck by the infrared light-wave of the Divine Sun. Millions of men and women in this world personally know these intense disquietings and the inexplicable experiences resulting from them.
The fact that man is literally attracted by this light-wave explains why the mystical language speaks of ‘calling’.This infrared impulse, this attracting light is indeed a call. You must know, however, that there is both an earthly, natural infrared and an infrared from the Divine Sun! When God calls you, He touches you with that Light. Since it is impossible to separate this attracting Light, the Divine infrared from the detaching Light, the Divine ultraviolet, it is clear that alongside the call, there also arises a dissolution, namely that whole series of disquietings and experiences.
If, when called, one does not feel this disquieting, this continuous inner tumult, one can be sure that it was not the Divine infrared by which one was struck. It was the calling of a purely dialectical influence in harmony with the ordinary I-being and in no way capable of touching the spirit-spark atom.
When we are called by the true spiritual sun, and follow the call, we simultaneously have to leave something behind, because the infrared is always accompanied by the ultraviolet. This is the meaning of the words: ‘Go, sell what you possess, and follow me’.
Extract from Chapter 1 Part 2 - “Christ, the Universal Source of Light and Power”
Jan van Rijckenborgh