April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Two Kinds of Intelligence

There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired, as a child in school memorises facts and concepts from books and from what the teacher says, collecting information from the traditional sciences as well as from the new sciences.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Inner Detachment

"Perhaps you can now understand what the School means by ‘negation’. Negation is no exaltation or denial of dialectical reality, but an inward detachment from it. And this detachment means hastening towards a wonderful liberty. Is such a negation an act of will as many people suppose?

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge


The Greek word for sin (hamartia) is derived from archery and means something like missing the goal and not being well-focused. So, sin is actually not badness in a moral sense, but rather ignorance and lack of practise.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge


Now let us analyse this mystery. The true pupil is able, in his broken and mortal microcosm, to construct amidst this perishable world, something imperishable and immortal, namely: the mental conception of immortal man, the mental image of the immortal, heavenly being.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Human Love vs Divine Love

When you understand what Lao Tzu really meant to convey, many of your preconceptions will be shot to pieces, for it tears apart the whole paradigm with which humankind has surrounded itself and which has been handed down from generation to generation since time immemorial.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Dialectical……Our present field of life

In our world everything manifests itself in contrasting pairs only. Day and night, light and darkness, joy and grief, young and old, good and evil, life and death are inseparably bound together, they inescapably succeed and beget each other.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge


“The human being suffers the afflictions of Delusion. He is tormented by Unreality. He lives in Time, but Time is a fiction, and thus he does not live in the Absolute sense. Yet, buried deep in his microcosm, a tiny Spark is left of the Original.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Ego and Transformation

"The God united yogi, relinquishing attachment to the fruits of action, attains unshakeable inner peace. That person, however, who does not direct his energies upward toward union with God is ruled by desire. Attached to the fruits of action, he lives in perpetual bondage."

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Available to All (potentially!)

If you release the power which lies sunken in the Primordial Atom by surrendering yourself in inner silence and calm; if, in this way, the 'fragrance of the Rose' can find expression, then the New Soul, which is of God, will be able to achieve whatever it wills.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge


"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge


First of all we have to broach an old subject discussed at length in our ranks by stating that Christ is not a hierophant of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the gross material world, but is first of all an impersonal, limitless Being, manifesting Himself as Light, as Power, as a mighty Radiation-Field.

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April 2022 Paul Betteridge April 2022 Paul Betteridge

Waiting Love Within

If you have ever really loved someone, or been loved by someone, you will know that the whole heart can be absorbed and uplifted by it. This gives rise to an emanation, which radiates from the heart and establishes the connecting link. Well it is with a love like that, that the heart must devote itself to the spiritual rose, which is present in the heart, in the centre of your being.

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