Conversation with a Loved One


June 14, 2023

Conversation with a Loved One…….

  • What have I done to deserve this.

  • Nothing. Its not a punishment I think. Perhaps always looking outward though, at the worldly, at the expense of asking questions inwardly, looking for answers inwardly. The world can keep us busy, we keep ourselves busy. Maybe we have something special within us that can help all the the outer stuff gradually fade away, become less important, even the suffering, or what we see as suffering. Doesn’t take it away, just that it can be seen in a different way, a different light.

  • Why didn’t you tell me sooner.

  • I couldn’t. I didn’t know. I’ve only just found it, rediscovered it myself. Or maybe its found me, or maybe a bit of both. And besides, each person must find it themselves, in their own time, from within. When it awakens within, you will know.

  • I’m tired

  • I know.

The World is perfect for it’s purpose, it’s ignorance of that purpose that makes it seem imperfect.



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