Who in You Suffers
Dont Follow the Path, Be the Path.
By Golden Rosycross. 17 February 2017.
Image ~ Against the Wall, San Francisco, 1934. Dorothea Lange.
June 13 , 2023
Who in You Suffers……
@ 54.08
Asks the pupil a fundamental question when he or she is faced with suffering. The question is more or less this one,
“Who in you suffers. Your ego because of its countless attachments to itself, or your soul because of its yearning for true transformation, for true liberation. ”
And the answer is given or suggested as the suffering of the ego, is in essence useless because attachment only generates pain, as Buddha already explained in the past. So, attachment is actually suffering, because the moment that we attach ourselves to an image of our existence, to an image of our ego, to the shadow that we project in the reality of life then we are already suffering, because we want to retain that image.
We want to retain that shadow in an ever-changing world and we want to manifest eternity, immutability in the world of phenomenon.
So that's a suffering to begin with, and it is useless because it doesn't change.
But the other kind of suffering, that is the suffering of the yearning of the human consciousness that has been awakened by the Spirit.
That suffering may be a leverage for transformation.
It's not a useless suffering, because it is the inner confrontation between the image of a true reality, and the reality that we have created to ourselves and to all around us with our own ego-centric consciousness.
That perception, that we may eventually call pain, but in essence it's not pain it’s true perception, is the perception that may lead the human soul to a true liberation.
“The cure for pain is in the pain” ~ Rumi