Doubts are our Traitors


September 26, 2022

Doubts are our Traitors…….

“The Blessed Lord said: To you, who have overcome the carping spirit, I now reveal the sublime mystery (the immanent and transcendent nature of god). Armed with this (intuitive) wisdom, you shall escape all evil.”

“The impulse to carp at everything is a kind of illness of the mind. It prevents people from opening themselves to new ides, and causes them to see themselves as, in a sense, presiding judges in the courtroom of life. In other words it is a negative symptom of ego-consciousness.

The carping spirit inclines one to respond to every suggestion with the cautionary objection, “Yes but…..”. Seldom does it bring any firm conclusion, for even its understanding is tentative. This is not the self torturing condition of spiritual doubt, but it keeps one nevertheless constantly in a state of indecision: a condition endemic to the intellect, which, lacking the certainty of intuition, never really knows anything.

One who is tired of this habit in himself should live more in his heart and try to develop there a calm, intuitive feeling about the rightness of things. Until he can do so, life will remain for him a rocky ride of perpetual uncertainty which causes him to challenge every statement, almost compulsively, with qualifications.”

Extract from Chapter 22 (9:1) - The Sovereign Lord of All

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita explained by Paramhansa Yogananda

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”

William Shakespeare from the play Measure for Measure.




Break Free of the Circle, Partake of the Spiral