

September 27, 2022


“Men who lack faith (and even interest) in this dharma, (seeking their fulfilment elsewhere) do not attain Me, O Scorcher of Foes (Arjuna!). Again and again they take the path of samsara (delusion) and mortality”

“Indifference is the the greatest spiritual disease. One doesn’t expect a turtle to ask, “Why do I need a shell into which I can withdraw?” At the first sign of danger, it simply retracts to comparative safety. Man , however, is above the mental level of merely instinctive response. If, when suffering, he asks only, “Why me?” without probing more deeply into the reasons for his suffering and inquiring what he might do about it - if in short, he behaves like a sparrow indifferent to (because he doesn’t see) the swooping hawk - life will gobble him up before he knows what is happening.

Many people, when they are introduced to spiritual teachings, respond by saying, “Frankly, I’m not interested.” Are they more interested, then, in dancing their lives away while the house they live in collapses? Urged to take their own destiny more seriously by seeking truth, they respond, “But its difficult!” So - the question must be asked - is suffering easier?

How sad, that so very few people are willing to face the one reality that, if they but knew it, would give them everything! Their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual security is at stake, yet they push away the thought that anything menaces them by seeking diversions, and think, “Oh, it will all take care of itself - someday.” It never will “take care of itself”! They themselves must face a reality that will never leave them alone until they’ve solved its mystery.”

Extract from Chapter 22 (9:3) - The Sovereign Lord of All

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita explained by Paramhansa Yogananda


Realisation and Spiritual Armour


Doubts are our Traitors