Ego and Transformation

Death, transformation, beauty, victory. July 2015.

April 20, 2022

Ego and Transformation……..

"The God united yogi, relinquishing attachment to the fruits of action, attains unshakeable inner peace. That person, however, who does not direct his energies upward toward union with God is ruled by desire. Attached to the fruits of action, he lives in perpetual bondage."

"The secret to divine freedom (this worthwhile thought cannot be repeated too often) is to renounce ego motivation. A person has no choice but to act, outwardly or inwardly, with thoughts and with subtle energy. He must in any case, however, neutralise the vrittis, or eddies which draw the consequences of every action back to himself with the thought,'I did it; it is mine!'"

Freedom Through Inner Renunciation (5:12)

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita as explained by Parahamsa Yogananda

"Every transformation demands as its precondition "the ending of a world", the collapse of an old philosophy of life."

Man and his Symbols

Carl Jung

In human beings in our present era, the world that will have to end for a fundamental transformation, an inner revolution, is the world of our ego directed consciousness, our self-absorption, our focus on the self, selfishness.

Would any butterfly exist if a caterpillar had an ego?

Would any butterfly exist if a caterpillar focused on the fact that it would have to lose itself to become something more wondrous?


Hungry Ghosts and Paranoid Androids


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