

10 May, 2022


Even the worst of sinners can, using the raft of wisdom, safely cross the ocean of delusion.

Krishna offers this supreme encouragement to all humanity: No matter how steeped you are in bad habits, vice, self-degrading depravity, or evil, you are still a child of the same infinite Lord who created masters and saints. Divine bliss alone is your final definition forever!

Never tell yourself, therefore, “I am evil!” Never say, “I have failed!” If you accept any failure as your reality, it will be so at least for this lifetime. But if after every setback you say instead, “I have not yet succeeded!” you can - even in this incarnation - win your private war!

Pray to God as the all forgiving and ever accepting Divine Mother: “Mother, whether naughty or good, I am Thy child! Thou must release me! Cleanse me of all sin.”

“God doesn’t mind your faults,” Yogananda used to say. “He only minds your indifference!”

Extract from “The Supreme Science of Knowing”

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita explained by Paramhansa Yogananda


What God Wants

