What God Wants


11 May, 2022

What God Wants……..

The All-pervading is not concerned about people’s sins or virtues. Wisdom (although the natural state of every man) is eclipsed by cosmic delusion. Mankind thus becomes bewildered (as to the difference between right and wrong).

Yogananda often said, “God is not worried about your mistakes. All He wants from you is your love. Love Him ever more deeply.” He also used to say, God has everything, except one: Loving you, He wants your love in return.”

God (it should go without saying) is not affected by human errors. What is sin? It is only that: error! Because sin springs from delusion, it does not really exist. The thought that God could be “angry” with anyone is itself an error, indeed, an absurd one! How could the ocean depths be affected by even violent storms at the surface?

Extract from Freedom Through Inner Renunciation

The Bhagavad Gita explained by Paramhansa Yogananda


More Encouragement

