La Femme D'Argent by Air.
Together with footage from a streetcar travelling through Market Street,
San Francisco. April 1906.
30 May, 2022
Is there any real evolution?
The people going about their everyday business on Market Street, San Francisco in 1906.
Were their fundamental needs, wants and desires any different from ours today?
Love, wealth, power, sex, security, romance, excitement, satisfaction, entertainment, peace.
Isn’t it true that all that really changes are the ways and means in which the human needs, wants and desires of all ages are pursued and fulfilled.
The needs, wants and desires themselves don’t fundamentally change do they?
You can almost hear some of these guys. Maybe a couple of mates going for a drink.
“Hey Bill, look at her, shes so amazing. I’m going to ask her out”. “You got no chance mate. That guy has a newfangled jalopy, you’ve only got your old horse and cart.”
Humanity living the same basic patterns in each age, round and round and round.
Inventions and technologies are new but the motivations, the underlying human needs, wants and desires for bringing them into existence are the same in each age.
Perhaps any real human evolution will require a fundamental structural change.
A conscious process of structural change from within that has the the full participation of the individual and that can lead to a new state of consciousness. A new state of consciousness that can begin to liberate one from the old patterns of willing, thinking and feeling.
A process of change that has been hinted at through all traditions and in all ages.
A structural change that has, as its basis, through insight, yearning and self surrender an awakened Divine Seed, Divine Remnant that is lying dormant in the centre of the human microcosmic system.
And perhaps, given the Aquarian Age that we have now entered, this process of change, of real evolution is potentially available to more people than ever.
Available in the here and now to all those in whom the Universal Teachings find some resonance and receptivity.