All the Worlds a Stage
Atelier des Lumières Van Gogh immersive exhibition.
Created by Gianfranco Iannuzzi, Renato Gatto and Massimiliano Siccardi.
Perhaps we are each engaged in our own personal immersive exhibition.
Changing the stage sets and amending the script as we go, according to our state of consciousness from minute to minute and hour to hour.
31 May, 2022
All the Worlds a Stage……..
“All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players”
Written by a famous bloke, who used to knock around not far from here, a while ago.
Shakespeare knew a thing or two.
And it's true isn’t it?
Isn’t that what we are?
Playing parts in our own story lines, acting in, and feeding our own dramas, from minute to minute and from hour to hour.
Including others in our story lines and in turn playing our part in acting in and feeding their own dramas.
Playing our parts according to the differing lenses though which we all view the world, and crucially, how we view ourselves and others.
Playing our parts until the curtain comes down and we inevitably exit from the stage.
Maybe we should get a backstage pass, access all areas, and have a dig around.
Whose directing things I wonder, whose pulling the strings so to speak.
And are we writing the script, or is it written for us?
Do we live, or are we lived?
“All the worlds a stage” by William Shakespeare, from the play As You Like It.
Full speech here...