November 27, 2022

Fear Overboard…….

“If you have realised the implications of what we have been explaining, you will be feeling the need for a definition of the right approach to life. Lao Tzu gives it to us.

Favour and disfavour are things of fear, and they destroy your personality's ability to fulfil its one true purpose. So you need to detach yourself from all I-central ambitions and desires. `Do not seek after prominence, but associate with the lowly', says Paul (Romans 12:16). `Wu wei', says Lao Tzu.

In the eyes of many, a lowly person is merely unintelligent, unsophisticated. But in reality, that isn't so. Every pupil needs to become proficient in the fivefold universal Gnosis. He needs to perfect and purify his whole approach to life, both inwardly and outwardly. He will then be very humble.

So do not seek favour; disclaim it. Then you cannot be touched by disfavour, or by feelings of having been humiliated. Many pupils keep on saying, `I am not capable of anything; I cannot achieve anything; I am nothing; I am no use at all.' But it is only their fear of humiliation that makes them say that. Stop all that worrying. We are all children of God; the treasure is present in every single one of us. Devote yourself to liberating that treasure; then, with Him, you will be free, and it will be as if you were a king. Throw all your fear overboard. Every pupil is gifted and, potentially, already free. Be a genuine freemason.

Perhaps you regard it as an arduous task to rule the kingdom, to fit your own microcosmic kingdom for entry into the community of God. But it is precisely because of this awareness of your fundamental unsuitability for any work in the service of the Brotherhood and your resulting unwillingness to take on any such mission, knowing human nature and its wild rides and hunts as you do, that you will be entrusted with the government of the kingdom.

It is known that all genuine servants of the Gnosis were quite astounded when they were called to their tasks. They certainly had no ambitions or plans in that direction. But that is why they were successful. To the last second, they experienced their missions as arduous tasks for which they believed themselves unfit, because of their imperfections. For there was not the slightest I-attachment to the task. Nevertheless, they cheerfully overcame all the obstacles. There could be no fear in them, because they did not desire favour. And therefore, neither could there be any disfavour.”

Extract from Chapter 13 "Favour and Disfavour are Things of Fear"

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri

Fear overboard……not all at once, gradually perhaps.

Layer by layer.



Internal Difference


Tír na nÓg, the Original, Divine Field of Life