Tír na nÓg, the Original, Divine Field of Life


Rays of Light of Universal Wisdom - the Tír na nÓg.
By Golden Rosycross Ireland. 14 April 2021.


November 26, 2022

Tír na nÓg…….the Original, Divine Field of Life


@ 0:06

We read to you from the book the Light Vesture of the New Man by Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri.

“In early times man's body was not so crystallized as it is now, his heavenly body had not yet died and his dialectical system was still in the process of development.

In that situation a group of human beings arose from among all the others in whom was imprinted something else in addition to the pre-remembrance, namely a certain sensitivity to the touch of the heavenly hierarchy.

As soon as the hierarchy willed it this faculty would begin to speak in the sent ones.

The ancient mystics called this predisposition “the treasure of the wondrous jewel” thereby referring to a certain activity of the serpent fire.

In every period of human development a number of these predestined entities, who are ennobled to it by their way of life, and who for whatever reason have risen to such a mission, are used as sent ones.

As we said every sent one bears within him the wondrous jewel, his serpent fire in that particular condition.

The radiation field of the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods is populated by entities who have attained a state of life on a higher level than the natural one.

They have been liberated from matter and they form an order of increasingly pure, holy and divine beings.

One great hierarchy of human spirits who are consciously able to impel the Light of the Holy Spirit to activity.

So we can call them direct members of the body of Christ.

They become one of us and for that purpose they bore a light shaft between our natural state and the kingdom which is not of this world.

That is how this hierarchy of the light manifests itself and it draws around itself a circle of sent ones.

This circle is linked directly with the divine light that shines into this world of death in order to save what threatens to be lost.

In them speaks not only what we call pre-remembrance, but at the same time a certain predisposition, a pre-destiny even though they are still imprisoned in biological fetters.

From the Fama Fraternitatis we learn that the Universal Doctrine descended with Adam right from the very first moment of the fall.

This means that ever since the first second of the fall efforts have been made to save mankind and the circle of sent ones has existed.

There are those who are bound to the wheel of birth and death who come into the world with a firm decision from youth on to devote themselves to the soul and through it to serve others come what may.

Such persons can also be used as sent ones.

All the others will first have to be healed of their self-inflicted wounds in the radiation field of Christ before later being permitted to be Grail bearers with youthful and dedicated vitality.”

@ 8:13

There are many legends and myths of Ireland from time immemorial that speaks of the Land of Eternal Youth, Tír na nÓg.

This mystical land has gone by various names in our legends such as, Tír Faoi Thuinn, the Land Under the Waves, or Mag Mell, the Plains of Delight and Emain Ablach, the Land of Apples, to name but a few.

There are those who claim it lies beneath hills, mounds or even on the other side of deep caves.

While other legends and myths tell of heroes and adventurers, even saints, sailing far into the turbulent western ocean in search of magical islands.

Here is one such story called ‘The Taking of Connla’.

Connla of the fiery hair was one of the sons of Conn Ced Cathach a High King of Ancient Ireland.

His name meant Conn the fighter of a hundred battles, and this was his favourite son Connla, a swift and agile warrior with a voice that could make the mountains tremble.

Conn Ced Cathach and his son Connla climbed the heights of Uisneach one evening, when they saw coming towards them a maiden of incredible beauty clad in strange clothes.

“Where do you come from lady” asked Connla curiously.

“I come from the Plain of Light, the White Fields of Moy Mell, the Land of Everliving” she said.

“In my land there is neither death nor sin, there is no war and no strife to spoil our pleasure, and it is beneath the hills that lie the path to our home”.

“Who's that you're talking to son” asked Conn Ced Cathach the King.

And the maiden replied, “Connla speaks to a young and gracious maiden Oh King, one who knows neither death nor old age. I love Connla and in my heart I desire his company. So I call him away to the plains of joy, Oh come with me Connla of the fiery hair. Rich as the dawn a crown awaits your head, and fitting it will be. Come and your youth and beauty will never fail.”

The King was then struck with terror at the sound for he could see nobody, yet he could hear a voice, so he swiftly summoned his druid Coren to the scene and said,

“Help me here for this is beyond my ability to solve. A maiden with no form or shape that I can see, has come to this place and she wishes to take my son with her magic, help or he'll be lost.

So Coren the druid stood up against the rising moon and stretching out his hands he began to chant mighty spells until she was seen and heard no more.

But behind her, she had left a bright green apple, which Connla quickly picked up and hid in his tunic.

Thereafter Connla would eat nothing except bites of this hidden apple, and when he finished with it it grew back again whole, and a new desire grew in him to see again the maiden and hold her hand.

After some time Connla again stood by his father's side on the Plain of Arcomin, and what did he see but the very same maiden walking towards him.

“Your place among mayfly mortals is high Connla” she whispered “but now the Land of the Everliving calls.”

At that despite her whispering Conn’s sharp eyes caught the words and again he called for Coren the druid to strike her dumb.

Groaning the maiden said, “O mighty King Conn, victor of a hundred battles, the druid's power is hated among us and has no honour among the upright folk. When the law comes it will do away with his magic spells that come from the lips of a false black demon.”

Coren came up quickly then and heard the words of the she, and so he answered “All she says is true my king, but I tell you that her folk fear no death for they died long ago. Beneath the hill they dwell, for it is there they were buried, and they danced their endless dances never changing in joyless joy. Judgment will fall hardest upon those who defy the natural order of the world.”

But the King didn't hear him, looking instead at his son who had said nothing all this while.

“Do you hear what is said by her my son” he asked.

“It's no easy question,” said Connla “for I love my own family more than anything else, but I'm seized with a great longing for this maiden”.

The maiden then said, “The tides of the ocean are not so strong as the pull of your desire. Come with me in my currach, my shimmering boat, we can reach the sun before it sets”.

And then the King and his court saw Connla run away from them faster than any could catch.

He leaped into the currach which came from the mists and sailed away over the bright sea towards the setting sun, and they were never seen nor heard from again.

We understand from this myth that the Lady of Moy Mell is the call of the Brotherhood which goes out to Connla, the Spirit Spark Atom.

Connla's father King Conn of the hundred battles is the I-personality that has reached the end of his seeking in this world through his many battles.

One hundred we can understand represents a fullness of experience.

The personality cannot see the maiden so he cannot understand her words, that's why he tries to prevent Connla from following the call, and even sends the druid, which we can understand as the earthly astral forces, the demon, to chase her away.

In the end the longing for the new life field is so strong that Connla is able to bid farewell to his old life and he sets sail to the shores of the Land of the Ever Living, Tír na nÓg, The New Field of Life.


We will now read to you from the book The Light Vesture of the New Man, the Second Address from Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri.

“The condition of your light vesture is decisive for your entire future.

If you allow this statement to penetrate deeply into your consciousness you will feel the urge to put your hand to the plough for, as you should realize very clearly, man's personality is animated by this interplay of vital fluids.

And as you now know the light vesture is called to a higher good, to a higher order, to a state of life which is lasting, eternal.

And that is why your light vesture, your soul garment must be resurrected.

In this resurrection your light vesture must rise out arise out of this nature of death.

The entire resurrection of Christ is comprised in this mystery.

The etheric man is the man of the future.

Of course you will say, after death we will exist in a much more subtle vehicle.

No friends that is not what we mean.

The process of arising about which we are speaking is a process in which the entire personality and thus also the material body participates.

When the fifth ether begins to affect the world and human development the minimum result will be that material phenomena become less dense, they will dissolve and free themselves completely from their present material bonds.

This process of spiritualization, the transformation of matter is threefold.

The legend of Jesus Christ's resurrection in three days stems from this universal knowledge.

These legends tells us how at a certain moment people came to the grave to find the gravestone removed and a grave completely empty.

Contrary to its aim however, this legend has completely crystallized the universal knowledge.

People speak of a miracle but what happened was not at all miraculous for when the vibration level of the cooperating etheric forces becomes more rarified this always gives rise to what is called transfiguration.

And this is, among other things, the gradual changing of material phenomena into etheric manifestations.

And that is why the the tomb of Jesus the Lord was found empty according to the resurrection legend, his physical body had disappeared it had passed through the essence of death and risen into an entirely new different life.

Dialectical man calls the process of Christ's resurrection a miracle, but you should now understand that every human being is capable of this miracle by virtue of his light vesture, providing that vesture and its vital fluids comply with certain laws.

And that is why it is said from time to time in the holy language, ‘be my followers’.

Not followers in the sense meant by the church, but followers in an absolute revealing sense.


Fear Overboard


Captain of Your Own Ship