Freeing the Bird, Saving Humanity!?


November 12, 2022

Freeing the Bird, Saving Humanity!?…….

Well, thanks for that.

One can change a platform, for better or worse, through which humanity expresses itself, but does it lead to any fundamental change within the individual personalities that comprise humanity.

Perhaps there is another way.

A way to truly, fundamentally effect change.

Firstly within oneself, and then as a consequence, for others.

A beautiful way.

A sublime way.

A way potentially available to all.

A way, a Path, that does not depend upon external wealth and influence, but where ones inner directedness and inner wealth is all important.

A way, a Path, a process whereby the ordinary, the Mr and Mrs Average, can revivify and nurture, set free, the extraordinary of all extraordinary, the divine essence laying dormant in the core of the core of their being.

And, in doing so begin to fundamentally “heal the cause” of the increasingly fractured and polarised nature of this realm.

Healing the cause within oneself, and as a consequence, healing for humanity as a whole.




Dont go to Strangers