November 17, 2022


God is pleased when your love realises it is part of something oceanic, and begins to move with the whole.

The larger love is more real, being itself reality.
These forms, a mix of earth and water.
Yes, you say, but I already have a deep love.

Not deep or vast enough.
More like riverwater filled with silt.
Don't wash your hands there.

The love you must enter lives in the saints and prophets.
It is already the ocean, whereas most loving still filters through countryside, enjoying the passage.

The ocean says, quit pretending to be clear.
That pretense keeps you from receiving what I can give.

Your water wants to reach the sea, but landscape keeps holding it back.

If you could shake loose your foot, the earth would be completely dry and ocean water completely free.

But desserts and undiluted wine soak you back into wet ground.

Wanting wealth, power, and more tasty food have made you drunk.

When you can't have what you want, you get headaches.
That hungover disappointment is proof that what made you drunk is desire.

Let a more measured necessity govern the intensity of wanting.

You say, I don't need help with this, I am already united with God.

That's like groundwater claiming to move with the tide.
Not yet. Stay with those who have pure love.

The taste of milk and honey is not it.
Love instead that which gave deliciousness.

This world is a watery shadow of ocean-love.
That sea of light cannot be contained in single human beings, so leave fragments, and be the mountain.

As you become existence, you will distribute creation, lavishly blessing everybody.

Hold out your apron to catch what comes with being in the presence.

Don't tear cloth collecting stone.
Wait for the smooth old coins, the silver and gold.

Don't pretend like children that stones are precious.

Let the held-out apron be your honesty, and don't worry about finding a white-haired teacher.

Merging with ocean-love has nothing to do with age, or the colour of anyone's hair.



Living Water and the Divine Field of Life


Freeing the Bird, Saving Humanity!?