Inner Detachment


April 30, 2022

Inner Detachment……..

"Perhaps you can now understand what the School means by ‘negation’. Negation is no exaltation or denial of dialectical reality, but an inward detachment from it. And this detachment means hastening towards a wonderful liberty. Is such a negation an act of will as many people suppose? Is it a change of diet or something like that? Negation conceived like this would be a cultivation of the personality. No one can proceed to negation, as understood by the Spiritual School, unless he knows himself to be positively called by the infrared light impulses of the Divine Sun. Nobody attains this negation unless he carries the spirit-spark atom in the heart. Whoever possesses this signature of original life is called, drawn and, if willing, lifted up: he only has to go. Though his negation is consistent and positive, it is the result of the call.

Experiencing the attracting power of this call and reacting to it in a positive way, negating everything of this world, is what Paul called ‘faith’: hastening towards a great goal that has appeared brightly on the horizon of life; hastening towards a light-power coming from afar to embrace us in love. It is a process which fills the candidate with the power and the irresistible joy of hope and makes him sing in the straitjacket of decay.

If you understand this language, then you can prepare yourself with us in the ranks of the future new mankind, for the dawn that has come. It will then make sense to study the process associated with all these things in detail and to investigate all aspects more closely. Until now, we have almost exclusively used the mystic key. Let us now consider the details..................."

".........................What happens then? We previously replied to this question that a man that awakened will start seeking. Such answer, however, tells us very little. We have to understand what happens in a man, both psychologically and physiologically when he is touched by this special radiation power, and then shows symptoms of reaction because of possessing the spirit-spark atom.

It begins with a process in the heart-sanctuary. Usually some great shock in ordinary life causes the spirit-spark atom in the heart to start vibrating. Until this moment due to conduct and blood quality of the ordinary man, this atom had been so latent and enshrouded that it could not be awakened by the Light of the Divine Sun. When, however, as the result of bitter experience, a temporary collapse in life occurs, affecting even blood, then one of the seven heart ventricles is opened, the fire contained therein is ignited and a blinding light is radiated towards the thymus, a small organ located under the breastbone. If the thymus proves receptive (in many cases one light impulse is not sufficient; let us however assume that in this case the light impulse is effective), then the thymus hormone carries this light radiation into the lesser blood circulation.

When this work has been completed, the light power will certainly in time touch all brain centres, to which it is carried by the blood. Upon its arrival in the head-sanctuary, the person concerned will then, in the first instance, be born a seeker. For through the influence of the light-power in the brain centres, thoughts are aroused, all of them of the same kind. This person was touched by the calling light and, by way of the spirit-spark atom, the thymus, the blood and the brain centres, the dialectical ‘I’ becomes conscious thereof. Irresistibly, a whole series of thoughts is now developed. To the extent that the brain centres are thus being stimulated to a new activity, the activity of the spirit-spark atom continues, since a path has been cleared, so to speak, in both blood and consciousness."

Extracts from Part 1 Chapter 3 “The Sevenfold effect of the Divine Sun”

The Coming New Man

Jan van Rijckenborgh


Two Kinds of Intelligence

