Inner Faith vs Outer Authority


13 May, 2022

Inner Faith vs Outer Authority……..

“As already mentioned, there are in the world, millions of spirit-spark atom entities. A dividing line runs across the ranks of those touched by the cosmic light.

Beneath this dividing line are those countless groups of seekers, who, though they a possess a spirit-spark atom and consequently find no inner peace, still hold fast to dialectical values out of:

  • ignorance

  • lack of adequate instruction

  • intentional misleading

  • and their own fixation on earthly things

Above the dividing line are the spirit spark atom entities who start reacting to the calling Light of the Universal Brotherhood, driven by distress of the soul, insight and on the basis of their own decision.

Whoever knows how to awaken the liberating faith in the universal mysteries in his heart thus ascends the first step of liberation in Christ and thereby joins those above the dividing line. This liberating faith has nothing to do with bowing before intellectual authority or being dragged along by mystical emotions or the ego drive of self maintenance. No this first elementary stage of liberation demonstrates itself micro-cosmically, anatomically and physically. Therefore it is said that the truth, reality, must set us free.

One can convince oneself of many things, one can also mystify other people for a long time, but only facts can be of use to the pupil and give him inner certainty. It is a matter here of a new anatomical state, which first demonstrates itself in the heart and head sanctuaries and then, carried by the blood, spreads throughout the whole state of being. Through a heightened vibration of the Christ atom and with the aid of the thymus, a new blood power is set free: a new hormone!

Extract from Chapter I - 14 The Living Gospel of Freedom

The Coming New Man

Jan van Rijckenborgh


An inner Faith, based on insight, yearning, and self-surrender.

An Inner Faith.

The inner possession of an active spirit spark atom, divine remnant, divine seed, which is re-vivified, vibrating and sparkling once more.


Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (more)


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