Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (more)
A Solitary Bee working on a Tithonia Torchlight flower grown from seed.
August 2015.
Perhaps the past and present spiritual teachers can be seen in a similar role, potentially helping to pollinate and stimulate the divine gift in the centre of each human microcosm.
14 May, 2022
Inner Faith vs Outer Authority……..(more)
“For several millennia and in various cultures there have been persons who testified of a divine reality, encouraging their fellow human beings who were receptive to this message to contact this other reality and begin living from It. These men and women were named prophets, apostles, gnostics or torch-bearers. The truly spiritual giants among them were called bodhisattva, avatar or messiah. We may think of people like Krishna, Buddha and Jesus, made known to us through ancient sacred writings.
Perhaps you look up to these world teachers with admiration. That is not really necessary because their established biographies possess a large mythical component. We must not forget that such reports – in fact all authentic holy scriptures – have the sole purpose to encourage the divine spark within us to grow ever more powerful. The great world teachers call us to follow them so that the spirit that worked in them can also work in us. Jesus, as bearer of such a spirit, says to his disciples:
‘He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do’ (John 14:12).”
Text extract from Chapter One, Accepting the Word.
Mysteries and Challenges of Birth, Life and Death - Becoming a New Human Being.
André de Boer and René Stevelink