Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (even more)


15 May, 2022

Inner Faith vs Outer Authority……..(even more)

“Perhaps you now realise what the gospel means. Perhaps you can now understand what preaching the gospel means. Perhaps you can now make a real resolution: the resolution definitely to leave behind everything that natural mysticism and occultism have spoiled in you. this lies piles up in your heads and your hearts, as immense ballast. You must clean your temple of this. This is a page of the gospel you must not forget! Remember that the path to liberation is a path of self-freemasonry. By nature, you perhaps act on the assumption that you will be the subject of a special, personal hierophantic effort; that at a given moment you be abundantly supplied with masters and adepts. This, however, is not the case!

A fundamental, universal, cosmic Christ radiation exists. Yesterday, today and billions of years ago, this radiation was and is exactly the same. It does not change. This universal grace is and remains eternally unchanged unto itself. It is the same radiation which disquiets the spirit-spark atom entities below the demarcation line, urging them in despair through the world and which leads the candidate-pupil into the Immovable kingdom.”

Extract from Chapter I - 14 The Living Gospel of Freedom

The Coming New Man

Jan van Rijckenborgh

“The artist who paints a line on an almost completed work of art, knowing that the line will either make or hopelessly mar his work, must know what he is doing. His knowledge must be intuitive, not intellectual. This kind of work isn’t something that could be done by a committee. Though the artist knows, his only way of showing his knowledge is by doing it. That is the meaning of faith: a sure intuition and an inner, complete certainty which no amount of reasoning could either justify or demolish.”

Extract from Chapter 17, Freedom Through Inner Renunciation

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda


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Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (more)