Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender…..Self Surrender

July 16, 2022

Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender……..Self Surrender

Self Surrender.

That doesn't sound great does it?

Surrendering the self?

Who wants to do that?

What would we have left?

And surrendering to who or what?

Not surrendering life itself, that wouldn’t be wise.

And not surrendering the necessary duties and responsibilities we have in the world, that wouldn't be helpful or wise either.

So not "throwing the baby out with the bath water", so to speak.

Maybe though, there are things we cling to both material and immaterial, that aren't quite as important or precious as we think they are. And it is only after we let some of them go, inwardly or outwardly, that this becomes apparent.

Maybe the surrender, the gradual diminishing of the ego with its incessant wants and desires, both material and immaterial, and this diminishing of the ego may lead to an openness, an increasing receptivity for something new.

Maybe this attitude can help in becoming more like water, flowing, fluid, malleable and adaptable rather than like rock, standing its ground, stuck in one place and prone to become weathered and eventually worn down.

An inner surrender. A gradual inner detachment from the vagaries of the world both good and bad, or what we label as good and bad.

Observing not absorbing.

So surrendering to a process perhaps, an inner process that can, when followed in sincerity and humility, lead increasingly to help from without.

Surrendering to the tentative beginnings of such a process perhaps.

A process, a self-build, based on the foundations of an awakened, revivified Divine Seed, Divine Remnant, Rose of the Heart at the centre of one's microcosm.

A process born from yearning and insight, insight and yearning.

A yearning and insight forged from the experiences of this world.

From the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and everything in between.

A process, a path, that when followed in sincerity, and self-surrender can lead to a steadily increasing momentum in building the sparkling new, while the crystallised old slowly diminishes.

Image above.

A Hamster that’s had enough it seems.

Tired and bored of being in the wheel, on the wheel, going round and round and round, appearing to move but basically staying in the same place.

Running to stand still.

Tired of the illusion of progress, the dream, wants to wake up maybe.

Maybe, rather than the monotony, the futility of going round and round in a wheel and existing in a cage, existing in a prison of consciousness, he is casting a glance outside the bars, wondering what may be there.

Wondering whether there is a process that enables him to return to and partake in a consciousness, and partake of a life field, far more wondrous.




Yearning for Light