Yearning for Light
Yearning for Light.
By Golden Rosycross UK. 18 February 2021.
July 15, 2022
Yearning for Light……
A divine field of life surrounds and pervades the whole universe with its sublime vibration.
A universal love power emanates from this divine field. It seeks what has been lost, the light nucleus in our heart. It intends to restore the broken link with the light.
A Universal Truth lies deeply submerged in the human heart.
This truth wants to be manifested within and through our being.
Just as a grain of seed contains everything that is necessary for growth, blossoming and fructification. In the same way the nucleus of the human system contains all possibilities for causing a divine spiritual being to be born from its own being.
The process that then takes place is described as a development from personality to soul human being, and subsequently, from soul human being to spirit soul human being.
Just as a seed has to be planted in the right soil and needs sunlight for its development, in the same way the spirit nucleus which is of divine descent must receive the right nourishment and light.
When this nourishment and the divine light cannot reach this divine seed it remains dormant and does not come into blossom.
Yet the continuously radiating divine light influences us physical human beings.
It makes us aware of the emptiness in our heart, this causes an urge to have this void filled.
Pistis Sofia represents people who are longing for inner knowledge or Gnosis and who are seeking a solution for their lack of freedom.
Some people are sensitive to the light and through their natural power of assimilation they become acquainted with the presence of the light.
When they therefore feel unhappy in the light field of the world of duality and do not feel at home, they reach a state of new yearning through their awareness of this inner poverty and the misery of this rock-hard reality.
This longing is a prayer, a cry of the soul for new, for other light.
It is a quest for the one door to the higher light field.
Through this new directedness we will experience the call, the helping hand emanating from this higher light field.
This gnostic directedness with all ensuing consequences and experiences turns us into a true Pistis Sophia, in whom all egocentricity, and all delusion and illusion are broken up.