Its Up To You
Luna II by Paul Cupido. 2019.
May 19, 2023
Its Up To You…….
No priest - nor any Spiritual School - can stand between you and the valley-spirit, between you and the God in you. That covenant must be forged by you yourself, in self-authority, and the Spiritual School is there to help you in whatever way it can. The School possesses a powerfield, which is filled with the living water, and its purpose is to amplify that call of your only God, which is expressed in the words: ‘Incline your ear to me'. The School tries to be a guide to your animal-ego. Lost and wandering as you are, it wants to lead you back to true happiness. At the same time, in group unity, as a Living Body, the School actually constitutes a mighty, magical aid to reaching the goal. So if, now, you have reached maturity and are weary of strife, you are free to reach for that absolute happiness. And when you do so, the stream of living water will flood over you from that moment onwards. Thus you will become wise, so wise that others will be able to comfort and warm themselves in the light of your glory. You will become a light on the path, in the service of the Brotherhood, helping the straying and the lonely to find their Lord. That is how the sage approximates Tao.
Extract from Chapter 8 "The Sage’s Heart is as Deep as an Abyss"
Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri