May 16, 2023

Wait if You Want…….

He who thirsts, receives the water of life freely. That is a magnetic law. He who has become pure in this way possesses, as his signature, a heart of fathomless depth. That is why his love is perfect. It is rooted in the new radiation-field, and emanates from there. That kind of love can never generate hate or vengeance. It is a love that has accompanied fallen man for an unimaginably long time, through thick and thin, never forsaking him. It goes out to ‘save that which is lost'. And if you do not want to be saved now, but you do in a thousand years' time, then after those thousand long years of woe you will still see that same love waiting for you. Then, too, you will hear the call: ‘Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest'.

Extract from Chapter 8 "The Sage’s Heart is as Deep as an Abyss"

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Its Up To You

